This is a metabolic disorder where the body fails to utilize glucose produced at the end of digestion which leads to increased glucose level in the serum of blood and urine.
Read MoreThere are several reasons for lower back pain. Some of them include poor posture, prolapsed inter-vertebral disk, strained muscle or ligaments, inflammation of pelvic joints and chronic constipation.
Read MorePsoriasis is a chronic skin disease with red scales and patches and itching formed generally on the body and scalp.
Read MoreAyurveda pays a lot of importance to various physiological conditions a woman goes through in her life and the care that needs to be bestowed since the onset of menarche as per ancient scriptures.
Read MoreImbalance in vata or pitta or kapha of the body and lack of awareness of one's inner self can cause depression according to the science of Ayurveda.
Read MoreSinuses are air spaces in the bones of the face that ultimately communicates with the nasal cavity and are lined by mucosa.
Read MoreVrushya Chikitsa is one among eight branches of Ayurveda that explains the reasons behind infertility in detail.
Read MoreAyurveda is of the opinion that almost all the digestive disorders are due to improper digestive habits of the patients.
Read MoreHere, a vitiation of pitta causes a derangement in the digestive fire which is characterized by the inflammation and irritation of the gastric mucosa.
Read MoreInadequate intake of fiber and water is the most common cause apart from the hum drum of a hectic lifestyle which throws your life off balance.
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